Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). Some examples of ACEs include experiencing or witnessing violence, abuse, or neglect. Aspects of a child's environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, or bonding can also contribute to ACEs. The ongoing effects of these events can negatively impact physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral health.
The Injury Prevention Program at the Georgia Department of Public Health leads Georgia PACE:D2A. Georgia PACE:D2A analyzes risk factors, protective factors, and social determinants of health related to ACEs. Measuring and tracking this data supports the prevention of ACEs in Georgia.
Georgia PACE:D2A analyzes protective factor data that measure things like positive relationships at school, prosocial interactions with teachers, positive school environments, feelings of belonging, and more.
Georgia by the Numbers
In 2021
Georgia ranked 38th out of 50 states for child well-being.
18% of Georgians
Adults with 4+ ACEs
are more likely to...
have difficulties due to a physical, emotional, or mental condition.
have been diagnosed with depression.
The program uplifts the work of nonprofit and government agencies by connecting them to data and technical assistance to prevent ACEs from happening in the first place.
EXAMPLE Activity
PACE:D2A connects people working at a mayor's office with experts in ACEs who provide data and technical assistance tailored to the local community.
The program uplifts the work of nonprofit and government agencies by connecting them to data and technical assistance to prevent ACEs from happening in the first place.
EXAMPLE Activity
PACE:D2A connects people working at a mayor's office with experts in ACEs who provide data and technical assistance tailored to the local community.
The program provides data to empower the implementation of the recently developed Georgia Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan (CANPP) as well as local plans that were developed for each of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Service regions.
Jennifer Stein
Prevent Child Abuse Georgia
"...we are able to work together as pieces of the puzzle."
Listen to the full quote by pressing play below.
Utilizing the Georgia Student Health Survey to identify ACEs data, and risk and protective factor data for youth across Georgia.
Building relationships to access new sources for more timely information, such as emergency room discharge data.
Ensuring a strong start for children by analyzing ACEs risk and protective factor data by location and the prevalence of evidence-based programs for children and families.
Promoting social norms that protect against violence and adversity through public education campaigns such as Peach Parenting.
The Georgia Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Committee
Part of a comprehensive effort for child abuse and neglect prevention across several states, the Georgia EfC employs the Essentials for Childhood framework developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They are also charged with overseeing the CANPP and implementing CANPP plans.
The Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE)
IPRCE developed the data collection system utilized by EfC and offers a data literacy training for regions implementing their CANPP.
IPRCE provides fact sheets on data and strategies related to the CANPP as well as associated individual technical assistance. They also attend every regional meeting to supply necessary and specific data points.
Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) Georgia
PCA Georgia provides statewide direction to build safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments to prevent child abuse and neglect. They are one of three backbone organizations that provide administrative and organizational support to EfC. PCA Georgia conducts evaluations for EfC activities, assists with project implementation and development, and disseminates PACE: D2A data products.
Additional Partners Include:
- Georgia Division of Family and Children Services
- Banyan Communications
- Advantage Consulting
- Department of Public Health Chronic Disease, Health Behaviors and Injury Epidemiology Section
Lisa Dawson
Program Director,
Georgia Department of Public Health
“…[connecting people] where they can really make a difference, is a huge part of our work…”
Listen to the full quote by pressing play below.
Moving Forward
PACE:D2A will continue to assess current methods used to prevent childhood adversity, noting gaps or issues in prevention, and using funding to address those shortcomings through partnerships and original work.
For example, ‘train the trainer' scholarships were paid for by PACE: D2A and organized by Prevent Child Abuse Georgia.
Each trainer received the materials needed for them to host conversations with parents and caregivers over the next year. These trainers will reach individuals across Georgia, massively magnifying the impact of the Triple P program.
By the end of this funding cycle, Georgia PACE: D2A will have published a report on the state of ACEs in Georgia.
This report will collect comprehensive information in a single location and will be accessible to the public so that organizations can utilize the data to achieve their goals.
The report will be written for a general audience, providing accessible data and guidance on how to use it.