Resources for Public Health Leaders
Displaying 19 to 27 of 39 records
TIRO Supervisor Assessment - National Council
An assessment tool from the NCBH to evaluate an individual’s skills as a supervisor (or their relationship with their supervisor).
Charting a New Course for Public Health Workforce Well-Being
An ASTHO brief on the importance of understanding moral injury and burnout, with recommendations on areas of organizational focus.
The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well‑Being
This framework from the US Surgeon General lays out a framework of 5 essentials for workplace wellbeing, centered on worker’s voice & equity.
Resiliency Within the Workforce
An ASTHO blog article about the importance of resiliency in the workplace, pertaining to leadership and organizational work environment.
Bell Seal Certification - MHA
Mental Health America offers a seal to acknowledge an agency's commitment to mental health in the workplace.
Moral Injury Learning Videos (YouTube)
This playlist from NCMW of brief training videos explores concepts of moral injury, trauma-informed resilience, and equity-focused approaches.
Why We're Burned Out and What to Do About It - APA Podcast
Speaking of Psychology: Episode 152. Why we’re burned out and what to do about it, with Christina Maslach, PhD (APA podcast--transcript provided).
BIPOC Mental Health Resources - MHA
A Mental Health America page dedicated to providing mental health data and resources for Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC).
How Right Now - CDC
A CDC website designed to promote emotional well-being related to stress, grief, and loss packed with resources.
Displaying 19 to 27 of 39 records
This PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC or the U.S. government.