Resources for Public Health Leaders
Displaying 1 to 9 of 39 records
Strategies for Enhancing Governmental Public Health Workforce Well-being and Retention - JPHMP
ASTHO’s technical package of strategies to support state, territorial, & local health department efforts to address burnout & moral injury.
What to Do If Your Job Compromises Your Morals - HBR
Focusing individual worker’s perspectives, this Harvard Business Review article addresses moral injury and ways to prevent and cope with it.
We must practice what we preach: a framework to promote well-being and sustainable performance in the public health workforce in the United States - Journal of Public Health Policy
This framework provides an overview on public health workforce turnover during the pandemic and effective approaches for the mitigation.
CTIPP: Trauma-Informed Workplaces Toolkit
This toolkit from the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice was designed to support in advocating for trauma-informed workplaces.
RESTORE: The Colorado Blueprint for Innovative Public Health Workforce Development - Trailhead Institute
The Colorado Blueprint focuses on 4 major points to address workforce gaps and needs in regards to the public health workforce.
Health Action Alliance: Workplace Mental Health Playbook
This Workplace Mental Health Playbook goes in-depth on investing in mental health at work by giving guidance on addressing workplace culture.
Lessons from the Public Health Frontline - JPHMP
Dr. Schenk's Lessons from the Public Health Frontline, addressing public health workforce, careers, mental health, wellbeing, and more.
Employees Are Sick of Being Asked to Make Moral Compromises - HBR
This Harvard Business Review article addresses managerial behavior that can lead to moral injury.
Recruitment Toolkit - Region 2 PHTC
A collection of resources from the Region 2 Public Health Training Center provides tools on recruiting/ retaining the public health workforce.
Displaying 1 to 9 of 39 records
This PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC or the U.S. government.