ASTHO and NCSD jointly released a customizable factsheet that can be used to present outputs from CDC’s STD Prevention Allocation Consequences Estimator in a format that is accessible to decisionmakers, the media, and local audiences.
Vaccinations can prevent over 90 percent of cancers related to human papillomavirus (HPV). This customizable infographic is intended to help states raise awareness about the importance of the HPV vaccination as a safe, recommended public ...
Vector-Borne Disease association of state and territorial health officials, astho, vector-borne disease, disease vectors, vector surveillance and control, vector-borne disease outbreaks, health agencies, insecticide resistance, threat of ...
Environmental Health Programs and Services Portal In 2019, ASTHO fielded the Environmental Health Programs and Services Survey to environmental health directors within state and territorial health agencies to understand the location of ...
Environmental Public Health Tracking Fellowship Program ASTHO's Environmental Public Health Tracking: Peer-to-Peer Fellowship Program, in partnership with CDC, offers non-funded health agencies the opportunity to conduct pilot projects ...
Water Policy Guides ASTHO has developed a series of policy guides that identify federal, state and local policies, programs, and initiatives that have successfully incorporated a HiAP approach to improve water quality and quantity. ...
Each video in this series focuses on a unique topic and features stories from ASTHO’s disability and preparedness specialists in the field. The videos demonstrate how they work to ensure information, testing, and COVID-19 vaccination sites ...
Making Contact: A Training for COVID-19 Case Investigators and Contact Tracers The nation's ability to quickly contain infectious disease outbreaks is more important than ever, and an expanded contact tracing workforce is critical for ...
This in-depth brief includes practical recommendations on mental health excellence in the workplace from the American Psychology Association.
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