Transportation Policy Guides

ASTHO has developed a series of transportation, land use, and community design cross-sectoral, evidence-based policy guides. The guides were developed using multiple resources from credible sources that catalogue policies that link transportations and health. Other sources of information for the guide came from feedback from CDC, national transportation experts, ASTHO’s Health in All Policies Steering Committee and Advisory Groups, and ASTHO’s communications team. The guides are organized by broad policy concepts and more specific policy suggestions.

Health in All Policies: An Introduction

Health in All Policies (HiAP) can be defined as a collaborative approach that integrates and articulates health considerations into policy making and programming across sectors, and at all levels, to improve the health of all communities and people.

Learn More About HiAP


At the state level, HiAP depends on interagency or cross-sectoral collaboration. Because collaboration is essential for integrating HiAP, strategies for successful collaboration, as well as a sample agenda for a partnering meeting, are included in this collaboration guide.

Implementation Strategies

A comprehensive HiAP approach can include a variety of implementation strategies at different levels and may include some elements of collaboration, education, assessment, consultation, program development, and policy.

Healthy Transportation Resource Guide

The healthy transportation policy concepts included in this HiAP resource guide have been selected from the following resources based on significant evidence from scientific literature that they are health-supporting. 

Healthy Transportation Introduction

The healthy policy concepts section below lists some high-level, health-promoting strategies. For each concept, you will also find a summary of specific policies and resources that have shown to be health-promoting when they were implemented in various jurisdictions around the country.

  • Healthy Transportation Introduction
  • Improving Access to Public Transportation
    Public transportation systems reduce the need for single occupancy vehicle trips, reduce automobile emissions, increase physical activity, and provide necessary transport access for people with physical, economic or other limitations that impede access to or use of personal vehicles.
  • Improving Transportation Safety
    Injuries and fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes are a major public health issue. Although significant improvements have been made in the last few decades, much work is left to be done.
  • Improving Public Transportation Quality 
    Policies and investments that improve public transportation can be win-win strategies for health and transportation agencies, providing diverse benefits and attracting broad support from a variety of interest groups.
  • Promoting Transit-Oriented Development
    Transit-oriented development (TOD) can promote health by reducing transportation costs, creating access to services and jobs, and providing opportunities for physical activity through carefully planned neighborhood design and accessible active transportation options.
  • Encouraging Shifts From Driving to Public Transportation
    Policies that support public transportation, walking, and biking—as well as funding to implement these policies—are essential for promoting healthier lifestyles.
  • Increasing Opportunities for Active Transportation 
    States can adopt policies and support community design that includes active transportation and ensures access for people with physical, economic or other limitations that impede access.
  • Promoting the Use of Clean Energy Technology 
    The adoption of emissions control strategies, clean-engine technologies and better fuel efficiency standards has resulted in reduced vehicle emissions.
  • Improving Air Quality and Mitigating Other Sources of Pollution 
    Health research has established a strong relationship between air pollution and health effects ranging from respiratory symptoms to the onset and exacerbation of chronic heart and lung diseases.
  • Encouraging Comprehensive Regional Planning
    Integrating public health concepts into regional plans is a promising method for ensuring healthy communities.

The development of these resources was supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number EH11-1110 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.