The COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for an existing behavioral health resource—the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center’s Crisis Hotline—to become a household name. During the pandemic, the hotline became a lifeline for a ...
In 2021, ASTHO convened state environmental health directors and directors of public health preparedness to discuss innovations developed during the COVID-19 pandemic such as virtual inspections. This ASTHOBrief explores how state health ...
In an effort to bolster COVID-19 response efforts, state and territorial health agencies looked to update or implement new digital tools and technologies. In response, ASTHO developed a COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory to ...
In October 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Children’s Hospital Association declared a joint national state of emergency in children’s mental health. The declaration stated ...
The Louisiana Department of Health launched an employee mentorship program in 2021. Two members of LDH discuss the program, which has been a huge success despite launching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Emergency Operations Centers played a vital role as health department leaders implemented and coordinated response objectives, plans, and activities. The lessons learned from EOC rollout will help public ...
Health providers have widely used telehealth to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 infection and to improve access to healthcare services thanks in large part to policy changes and regulations. This brief explores how state and territorial ...
Laura Parajón, MD, MPH, deputy cabinet secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health details the process of building a pilot internship program with the University of New Mexico.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began the need for greater access to virtual reproductive healthcare services increased dramatically. Telehealth increased access to providers, eased workflows and infection protection for clinical staff, and ...