This conversation was recorded in May 2020, but felt the lessons and takeaways are still very relevant as we are finally starting to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected children’s and families’ social, emotional, and mental well-being, and demand for social services has increased due to COVID-19-related and economic factors. The speakers on this episode explain how ...
May is Mental Health Month, and in 2020, health officials are tasked with navigating the impact of COVID-19 on the behavioral health system. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to surge as communities continue ...
COVID-19 has stressed the U.S. healthcare and public health systems and highlighted racial and ethnic disparities in pre-existing conditions and health outcomes. In this episode, our guests discuss how health officials can serve as chief ...
This episode explains what the Shared Risk and Protective Factors framework is, and how states and territories can collaborate with a broader range of partners to implement research-based programs, policies, practices, and strategies that ...
This episode highlights ongoing efforts and provides consideration for health officials to not only limit the impact of the pandemic on the economic security and housing needs of Americans but also to rebuild systems that create a ...
The experts on today’s episode make the case for how a robust public health workforce could have changed the trajectory of the pandemic response, but also explain why we can reimagine what a strong public health workforce requires as we ...