Co-authors from CDC and the Alzheimer’s Association provide details about the new 2018-2023 Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map, which offers strategies for public health agencies to promote cognitive health and support people living with ...
This episode highlights how the current equity efforts can integrate with established performance management practices.
Public health agencies are working to reduce dementia risk and to optimize the health and well-being of people living with dementia and their caregivers.
There are significant disparities in pregnancy-related outcomes in the United States. Many of these deaths considered preventable, so state and federal policy makers are taking steps to improve health outcomes for pregnant people.
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted youth mental health, particularly as a result of school closures, social isolation, family economic hardship, fear of family loss or illness, and reduced access to healthcare. However, states ...
On the 32nd anniversary of the ADA, this blog post explores state legislation around the country that supports people living with disabilities.
The digital divide in healthcare has created a growing division between communities who have access to digital health technologies and broadband versus those who experience limited access to these resources. Marginalized communities such ...
ASTHO placed 14 disability and preparedness specialists in health agencies to support inclusivity of people living with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. In this brief, three of these specialists share their experiences ...
Advocating on Capitol Hill for strong public health systems is critical to advancing the work of state and territorial health agencies. ASTHO's 2019 “Washington Week” has come and gone, but the work is far from over.
Closing remarks by ASTHO’s senior vice president of health equity and diversity initiatives, Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge, at the 2023 Health Equity Summit.
March 24 is World TB Day, we have made significant progress in TB prevention, detection, and treatment. However, there is still a long way to go towards achieving TB elimination.
Let us make 2023 the year we commit even more to listening to and learning from each other and transforming how we interact with those around us in ways that truly impact state and territorial health agencies’ work of health promotion and ...
Cultivating Gen Z as Partners for Healthier Communities astho, association of state and territorial health officials, gen z, young adults, public health campaigns, stronger communities, public health, physically active, gen zers, adults ...
Debra Houry, CDC's director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control discusses the impact of adverse childhood experiences and how discusses the prevention work that she and her team have done.
One way states and territories can address ACEs in American Indian and Alaska Native communities is by adopting evidence-based home visiting programs that reflect the specific cultural values of the communities they are serving to reach ...
Lesley Steinman and Mark Snowden of the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center discuss the PEARLS program and how it is being used to confront the stigma associated with depression and mental health.
Families who wish to breastfeed in the United States often face barriers in workplace and school settings. To address these disparities, federal, state, and territorial governments are adopting policies to improve lactation accommodations ...
State issued documents, such as birth certificates, are often required to navigate daily life. Vital records policy is a complex and evolving issue with many of the processes and procedures left to jurisdictional policy-makers.
The Embedded specialist in South Carolina used an ASTHO tool to assist the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control improve inclusivity of people living with disabilities in their public health programs.