Researchers estimate more than 140,000 children in the United States experienced the death of a parent or grandparent caregiver between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The study highlights disturbing disparities in caregiver deaths by ...
Every August, national, state, and local breastfeeding stakeholders celebrate National Breastfeeding Month by engaging each other and the public in conversations about changes needed to build a landscape of breastfeeding support. The 2021 ...
Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...
On Jan. 30, 2023, ASTHO released a statement commending the FDA on a new proposal to conduct individual risk assessments for blood donors, a policy that reflects the best available science while not promoting stigma and discrimination ...
ASTHO Commends the Surgeon General Advisory about Marijuana Use on the Developing Brain ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), issued the following ...
Evidence suggests that access to healthy, safe, and affordable housing is connected to preventing suicide and overdose, with state and federal programs supporting access to housing for people with low incomes, substance use disorders, ...
This brief describes why expanded postpartum depression screening and coverage are necessary for improving health outcomes and reducing disparities for both mother and child.
Public Health Leaders Applaud U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on E-Cigarette Use ARLINGTON, VA—State and territorial health leaders applaud the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General for issuing today’s advisory and setting strong ...
ASTHO Applauds Administration's Commitment to Combat the Opioid Epidemic ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, executive director of ASTHO, issued the following response to HHS Secretary Tom Price’s remarks at the National Rx Abuse and Heroin ...
ASTHO and Safe States Alliance Commit to Supporting State Injury and Violence Prevention Programs ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials supports the just-released Safe States Alliance’s 2015 State of ...
ASTHO helps health agencies promote policies that address the root causes of negative behaviors and health outcomes through compassionate and comprehensive preventative strategies.
Webinar Series: Leveraging Different Sectors to Address the Youth Mental Health Crisis According to recent data from CDC, poor mental health symptoms and suicidal ideation are on the rise for high school students. Despite these rising ...
This episode discusses why there needs to be a comprehensive response in public health surveillance, in particular around the opioid epidemic. After all, without thorough data, it’s tough for lawmakers to drive action that will reduce the ...
In the Public Health Review podcast debut, host Robert Johnson speaks with public health officials from Alaska, Kentucky, and West Virginia about the ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. and its intersections with other epidemics like ...
This episode highlights COVID-19’s impact on overdose-related deaths during the postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester. There has been a significant increase in postpartum overdose-related deaths in recent years—a problem ...
In an effort to help meet demand, some states and territories have joined interjurisdictional licensing compacts that allow a mental healthcare provider licensed in one state to provide care in another state—without needing to gain ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted youth mental health, particularly as a result of school closures, social isolation, family economic hardship, fear of family loss or illness, and reduced access to healthcare. However, states ...
In December 2021, HRSA approved new and updated Women’s Preventive Services Guidelines, which will go into effect in 2023. The recent changes include a new guideline on obesity prevention for midlife women and updates to five existing ...
In the United States, suicide and overdose are among the top 10 leading causes of death. At the intersection of suicide and overdose are shared factors that can be assessed to support a comprehensive approach to prevention. The COVID-19 ...