Improving Public Health Through Data and Communication This video focuses on the effective use of data in public health communication. The panelists in the piece have shared their communication experiences, successes, and challenges ...
APHA Presentation: ASTHO Telehealth Capacity Survey
In partnership with ASTHO and NPHIC, The Harvard Opinion Research Program is conducting a series of surveys to understand the public's evolving views of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. This memo showcases select results from ...
Over-the-Counter Naloxone Policy Statement
Public Health Legal Authority to Prevent and Mitigate the Spread of Communicable and Infectious Diseases and other Public Health Threats
Policy Considerations for Reducing Congenital Syphilis
This product identifies strategies for preventing ACEs, the role of public health in ACEs across levels of government, and policy development strategies to inform ACEs prevention.
ASTHO convened focus groups of state environmental health directors and designated representatives from 11 states to talk about their agencies’ ventilation guidance for school districts. The discussions focused on recommendations for ...
Change can take time, but every success improves our capabilities to care for our communities. Explore four powerful, successful programs below.
Summary of FY24 House Appropriations Bill astho, association of state and territorial health officials, global health, ending the hiv epidemic, fy24 lhhs appropriation bill, substance abuse and mental health services administration, ...