ASTHO Statement on the President's 2018 Budget Blueprint
March 16, 2017
ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) released the following statement today on the President’s 2018 Budget Blueprint:
“ASTHO is pleased to see that the President’s Budget Blueprint recognizes that states and territories need enhanced flexibility to meet their jurisdiction’s public health and healthcare needs,” says ASTHO Executive Director Michael Fraser. “We are also encouraged by the inclusion of a Federal Emergency Response Fund, which is a core priority for many governmental public health leaders to support state and territorial public health responses to disease outbreaks and natural disasters.
We are concerned, however, that these new investments come with significant proposed reductions to HHS and other federal agencies, and by extension, burden already fiscally strapped states and territories. We need continued support for existing programs that address individual, community, and environmental health issues and priorities in states and territories and that promote optimal health for all. Once the president’s ‘full budget’ is released, we will be able to more accurately assess the full impact of the Budget Blueprint on our state and territorial public health agencies and work with the Administration to keep America healthy and safe.
Sustained investment in governmental public health is vital to our national security and public safety. We look forward to working with the White House and Congress to assure that we can sustain vital investments in public health preparedness, disease prevention, and health promotion.”